A. sturio caught in the Gironde, October 2018

A sampling campaign was realised in October 2018 in the Gironde estuary.

Several specimens of Acipenser sturio were caught. The largest was 171 cm (TL) and 35 kg and in one picture we notice a data storage tag fixed on the back. The 4 other A. sturio  were between 126 and 141 cm (TL) and weighted between 10,4 and 18,7 kg. In one of the pictures the technician was using an echography probe to assess the development stage of the individual. Another picture shows all the fish captured during the same trawl sampling (ie Raja clavata and Argyrosomus regius).  

Pictures are from Irstea ©, the one with the echography was from Joris Philip, the others from Romaric Le Barh.

As -oct 18-1


As -oct 18-2