Pan European Action Plan for sturgeons
On 30 November 2018 the Standing Committee of the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention) at its 38th meeting adopted the recommendation Contracting Parties to the Convention and invited Observer States to fully implement all measures included in the Pan-European Action Plan for sturgeons [document T-PVS/Inf(2018)6]. Furthermore, it mandated the Secretariat of the Bern Convention to closely monitor the implementation of the Action Plan with all competent MEAs, actors and institutions, both governmental and non-governmental, if possible through the setting-up of a dedicated working group, as well as to coordinate the implementation of regular reporting on the implementation of the Action Plan at national level. This is to be supported by a dedicated working group, for the purposes of monitoring progress in the implementation of recommended actions and of allowing adaptive management. The basis for the Standing Committee decision was the document that WSCS and WWF have drafted and which was discussed in several rounds of expert involvement, including the Vienna Sturgeon Conference held by the Austrian EU presidency in July 2018.
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Pan Eu Action Plan
The photo shows the public presentation of the AP in Strasbourg. (c) Duška Dimović