Der königliche Kaviar: Eine kleine Monographie über den echten Kaviar, den Stör, den Keta-Kaviar und den Seehasen.

Gordecken, H. 1969.  
Der königliche Kaviar: Eine kleine Monographie über den echten Kaviar, den Stör, den Keta-Kaviar und den Seehasen. 
The royal caviar. A small monogrphy on the real caviar, the sturgeon, the keta-caviar and the lumpsucker. 
Heinrich Siepmann Verlag: Hamburg, Germany 112 pp. [In German]. 


This book provides historic information on sturgeon use in ancient times in Egypt and Greece as well as in Roman times and the middle ages. The effects of industrialisation in the 19th century and the development of trade is addressed while also explaining the development of fishing for sturgeons in various parts of the world. Besides fishing methods the development of processing and trade as well as market demand and prices are subjects dealt with in separate chapters.