Caviar and Conservation: Status, Management, and Trade of North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish.

Williamson, D.F. 2003. Caviar and Conservation: Status, Management, and Trade of North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish. TRAFFIC North America, Washington, D.C., USA (World Wildlife Fund), X, 240 pp. 

This report addresses several aspects of the question what might happen to US and Canadian sturgeon populations and paddlefish if the Caspian Sea fisheries continue to decline and pressures shift to North American species. Will there be consequences for current trends in legal and illegal trade, implementation of recent listings and resolutions adopted by the parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered species (CITES), Specifically, TRAFFIC examined (1) the current status of NorthAmerican paddlefish and sturgeon species. (2) Federal, State and regional management and regulatory regimes, which are reviewed to explain how sturgeon and paddlefish species are being managed, (3) current levels of and trends in legal domestic and international trade involving native North American Acipenseriformes, (4) What is known about illegal catchand trade activities, und (5) developments in privated commercial aquaculture and other captive propagation programmes, and how such ventures might provide a conservation benefit to wild populations.