The bibliography of Paddlefishes, Family Polyodontidae, including all recent and fossil forms known
Georgi, T.A. and G. Dingerkus 1996
The bibliography of Paddlefishes, Family Polyodontidae, including all recent and fossil forms known - (second update)
71 pages. Doane College, Crete, Nebraska, USA
The first version of this bibliography was published in 1986 and is considered to be an ongoing exercise. The present version contains some 800 plus references. In alphabethical order which are indexed under the following categories: (1) distribution, (2) taxonomy, (3) Evolution, (4) Anatomy, (5) Physiology and Genetics, (6) Natural History, (7) Popular, (8) Sport Fishing, (9) Commercial Fisheries, (10) Management, (11) Reproduction, (12) Food Habits, (13) Age and Growth, (14) Aquaculture, (15) Parasites and Diseases, (16) Cinese paddlefish, (17) Paleontology.